
Our mission is to help women, children, and families find a sense of wholeness by connecting to themselves and others so they can live to their utmost potential. 

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Our Core Values

Three stick figures are standing next to each other with their hands in the air.


Our primary goal is helping clients find acceptance and wholeness within themselves and with others. Feeling connected to our counselors, who are focused on attuning to your specific needs, creates the foundation for lasting change.

A black and white icon of a light bulb with a brain coming out of it.


Fostering an atmosphere of curiosity, without judgement is where self-awareness begins. This is the bridge between connection and growth that we are committed to offering to our clients. 

A black and white icon of a hand holding a plant.


Developing growth takes time and persistence. We are determined to provide the tools and space to nurture this growth to seek out your greatest potential.

Why Connected Counseling?

  • Connection sets the foundation for growth and resilience
  • Having a strong relationship with a therapist is proven to foster better outcomes
  • Connection to others creates a safe space to explore and find acceptance
  • There is no more effective way to parent than connecting to the heart of your child
  • Connection to oneself creates an opportunity to find the wholeness we all long for
  • We believe that true wellness comes when we treat the whole person-mind, body, spirit
  • Connection to others has been proven to increase lifespan and happiness


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Our Services

The Power of Connection

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